The JGSDF 1st Helicopter Brigade’s Impressive Fleet

CH-47 helicopters Army(JGSDF)
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Largest Number Of Helicopters

As modern ground operations require swift deployment via helicopters, Japan’s  Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) has maintained a helicopter brigade to perform such mission.

This is the 1st Helicopter Brigade stationed at Camp Kisarazu, just outside of Tokyo,    and operates directly under the JGSDF’s Ground Component Command instead of the regional command.

  • General Information 
Establishment March 1, 1969
Headquarters Camp Kisarazu, Camp Takayubaru 
Responsible Area Nationwide
Aircraft CH-47J/JA helicopters
UH-60JA helicopters
V-22 Ospreys
EC-225LP helicopters (for VIPs)
AH-1S attack helicopters
LR-2 reconnaissance plane

Being heavily equipped with CH-47J transport helicopters, the 1st Helicopter Brigade is tasked with airlifting rapid response and special operation units.

Despite its designation as the “1st” Helicopter Brigade, it is actually the only helicopter brigade within the organization, thus making it responsible for covering the entire nation.

With an impressive fleet of 32 units, the brigade operates over half of the JGSDF’s entire fleet of CH-47 helicopters. Just by using simple math, the brigade can airlift nearly 1,500 personnel at maximum capacity.

As JGSDF’s largest aviation fleet, the 1st Helicopter Brigade not only supports other units’ training, but also play a crucial role in disaster relief missions, including rescue operations and supply runs.

In addition to the CH-47s, the brigade is known to operate various types of aviation,  such as the UH-60JA helicopter, the AH-1S attack helicopter, and JGSDF’s only fixed-wing aircraft, the LR-2 reconnaissance plane.

Such a diverse fleet has resulted in the brigade possessing one of the finest mechanics in the army.

Relocating To Kyushu

Amid the shift towards island defense, the 1st Helicopter Brigade remains strategically vital as it is considered as one of the pivotal pillars for rapid deployment.

To bolster defenses in the southwestern region, a squadron of CH-47s has been relocated to Kyushu (Kumamoto), alongside the future deployment of the V-22 Ospreys.

After being temporary stationed at Camp Kisarazu, all Seventeen V-22 Ospreys will be relocated to Saga Airport in Kyushu in the coming years.

Japanese V-22 ospreysJapanese V-22 Ospreys (photo: JGSDF) 

Simultaneously, JGSDF intends to procure additional CH-47 helicopters to upgrade their airlift capacity, further increasing the 1st Helicopter Brigade’s importance.

These developments underscore the indispensable role of the brigade’s transport capabilities, especially for the initial response during island defense scenarios.

But, can the brigade enhance its capacity, let alone its current configuration, when JGSDF itself is struggling to recruit enough personnel?

Well, to somewhat address this concern, JGSDF has made a radical decision to phase out attack helicopter units in favor of new drones. This will certainly free up a considerable number of aviation personnel, therefore making their reallocation to the 1st Helicopter Brigade possible.

