Why This High-Speed Ferry Is Crucial For Japan’s Defense

a high-speed ferry Army(JGSDF)
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Chartered For JGSDF

In response to China’s maritime expansion, the Japan has shifted its focus to defending the islands of Okinawa through a combination of strong local garrisons and mobile reinforcements.

The actual scenario calls for the swift deployment of the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade and the 1st Airborne Brigade, each respectively regarded as Japan’s best units.

However, any hopes of reinforcement would end in fantasy without the necessary means of transportation.

While airlift operations would certainly be conducted, the bulk of the cargo would have to rely on maritime transport, making the Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) mostly responsible for such task.

But, the problem lies in JMSDF’s lack of transport vessels, with only three Osumi-class Landing Ships available at the moment.

Given this precarious situation for large-scale transportation, the Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) is taking matters into their own hands by building their own transport ships, somewhat resembling the strife between the Imperial Army and Navy.

Despite these efforts, the transport capacity is far from ensuring a rapid deployment of abundant forces, and there is a limit in securing enough transport vessels from an organization already suffering from severe labor shortage.

To address this issue, the Ministry of Defense (MOD) has implemented the idea of chartering civilian ships to supplement the JMSDF’s transport capabilities.

Among the two ferries currently under contract with the MOD, the catamaran-type “Natchan World” is the most favored one thanks to its outstanding speed of 36 knots.

  • General Overview 
Displacement  10,500 tons 
Length  113m (370ft)
Beam  30.5m (100ft)
Speed  36knots (66.6km/h, 41.4mph)
Capacity 50 trucks, 100 cars, 500 personnel 
Unit Price 80 million USD

Originally constructed in Australia, this high-speed ferry is equipped with a water-jet propulsion system, similar to that of the JMSDF’s Hayabusa-class missile boat.

It served under the East Japan Ferry Company, bridging the strait between Aomori and Hokkaido, but this route was eventually ceased due to high operating costs and low profitability.

Adding to the high speed nature, the ferry’s capacity to transport 50 trucks and over 100 cars caught the attention of the MOD, leading to a ten-year lease as the designated transport vessel for JGSDF units.

The Natchan World was later transferred along with the other ferry, the Hakuou, to a special company created by the MOD, which utilized the the Private Finance Initiative model (PFI), a method that employs private companies to provide public services.

a tank getting off a ferryA Type 90 tank getting off the ferry (photo: JGSDF)

As a result of this semi-public, semi-private status, the Natchan World has undergone several modifications for military transport purposes. Crew members have been replaced with reserve personnel from the SDF, and two-tiered bunk beds have been installed in the once-business class cabins.

Furthermore, a new vehicle ramp was installed on the rear side, facilitating much easier loading and offloading of heavy equipment, including tanks and self-propelled howitzers.

Taking advantage of these new features, the JGSDF have extensively used the ferry  for moving around units for training exercises and disaster relief operations. It has now become a rather common sight for Type 90 tanks being ferried from Hokkaido all the way to Kyushu on this ferry with a charming design.

Respond Within 72 Hours

Being designated as a special transport ship under the MOD, the Natchan World is required to respond within 72 hours in an event of an emergency. This includes disaster relief missions, but the primary objective is to assist the JMSDF in transporting JGSDF units to the southwestern region for island defense.

As the deteriorating situation demands a more sophisticated transport capability over long distances, high-speed ferries like the Natchan World are deemed as crucial assets for the overall defense strategy.

Compared to the Osumi-class transport ship, the Natchan World is not only significantly faster, but surprisingly has greater capacity in some transport aspects.

This is why the MOD highly values this civilian ferry, though peacetime demand is quite low except for transporting JGSDF units during the regular training season.

Thus, the ferry can also rented out as a tourist ship or event venue when not in service of the JGSDF. So far, it has been used for events in Aomori and Hokkaido, but these activities must be paused to prioritize military transportation if the situation calls for it.

As a typhoon led to the sudden cancellation of an anime event in 2019,  the military nature makes the ferry a less convenient option for event organizers compared to other civilian ships.

