Modern-Day Ninjas? Meet Japan’s Special Operations Group

the insignia of the Japanese special forces Army(JGSDF)
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JGSDF’s Best Unit

Japan’s Self-Defense Force is not a military in the formal sense, but it is without a doubt a military organization in essence, more than capable enough to repulse any enemy invasions.

Among the various units of this de-facto military, an elite commando unit called the “Special Operations Group (SOG)” is regarded as the strongest in the entire nation.

Formed in 2004, the SOG was heavily inspired by the US special forces, including the Green Berets and Delta Force, and is tasked with combating terrorism and undertaking missions deemed impossible for any other unit.

The units is known for its highly secretive nature, with so few information available  even after two decades of its creation

The SOG has only appeared in public on a few rare occasions, such as the official ceremony announcing their establishment, but the members wore face masks to conceal their identity, perhaps even to their own family.

Japanese special forces at a ceremonySOG members at a ceremony (photo: JGSDF)

All we know is that the SOG is based in Camp Narashino (Chiba Prefecture) near Tokyo, and their mission ranges from counter-terrorism, guerrilla warfare up to infiltration and sabotage activities in enemy-occupied territory.

Unlike regular units, the SOG are fortunate enough to be issued with advanced personal equipment, including rifles and night vision devices which are used by the US forces.

Initially, most of the unit members came from the also elite 1st Airborne Brigade, practically making the SOG a batch of super soldiers who were selected from the already best of the best.

The SOG now opens its door to other units as well, but it remains the most difficult position within the JGSDF. Even the best soldier of the regiment or brigade can be easily disqualified at the SOG entrance exam.

Although the specific qualifications for applying to the SOG are not publicly disclosed, it is worth noting that neither the Ranger or Airborne badge is required as a prerequisite.

Surprisingly, there are also no restrictions on specialties (job types), even permitting those who work in logistics or maintenance to apply for the position.

After some document screening process, the selection starts with an initial two-week period of interviews and physical tests.

During this phase, mental toughness is often emphasized over physical robustness, with candidates required to demonstrate quick thinking and insight at the spot.  For example, one candidate was asked about the wall color of the bathroom he just used before the interview.

Those who pass the initial selection then move on to a year-long “Special Operations Training Course” where their physical and mental fitness, as well as various skills, are assessed to determine whether they are suitable for the SOG.

The course hosts a variety of rigorous training, such as guerrilla warfare, parachute jumping, diving and winter warfare, allowing only the toughest and baddest soldiers to survive the trial.

Supernatural Strength?

Upon passing the grueling tests that are beyond the imagination of most soldiers, the trainees finally become part of Japan’s most elite unit, only to find themselves among colleagues and senior members who can be described as “supernatural.”

As a famous episode delineating these super humans,  it is said that during live-fire practice, one member succeeded in hitting every single target with another colleague standing right next to it.

Of course, the truth of such legend is unclear, but it does capture the extraordinary nature of the SOG compared to other JGSDF units.

Moreover, most members go to great lengths in further enhancing their skills – while some are dispatched to the US Army’s Green Berets, some voluntarily spend their vacation by temporarily joining foreign armies or training with private military companies.

Japanese special forces training in AustraliaSOG members training in Australia (photo: JGSDF)

While these rumors have circulated throughout the internet, the SOG rarely makes any news headlines due to its secretive nature. In an era where information leaks are considered more frequent than water leaks, the SOG has managed to conceal both their identity and activities, truly living up to their reputation as shadow warriors or the modern-day ninjas.

Besides from their security role at the 2016 Ise-Shima G7 Summit, the only other public glimpse into their activities was a brief video uploaded on the JGSDF official Facebook showing a 2023 training exercise in Australia.

Apart from these publications, the any specific details involving the SOG’s training and missions are largely left to one’s imagination.

Such secrecy has become fertile ground for rumors to circulate, with most suggesting that the SOG can be used for assassinations or rescuing abductees from North Korea.

Given that the SOG is Japan’s most elite special forces unit, it wouldn’t be surprising if they were actually tasked with such “dark” or challenging missions.

