Good Enough? Japan’s Middle Range Multi-Purpose Missile

a missile launcher on the back of a truck Army(JGSDF)
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Small & Low Cost

As the last line of defense, Japan’s Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) has focused not only on anti-tank capabilities, but also on striking enemy landing crafts during amphibious assaults.

In this respect, JGSDF has developed an arsenal of multipurpose weapons such as the Medium-Range Multipurpose Guided Missile (MMPM) that can target both tanks and landing crafts.

  • General Overview 
Mass 26kg (57.3lbs)
Length 1.4m (4.6ft)
Diameter 14cm (5.5in)
Operator 3 People
Firing Range 8km/5miles
Unit Cost 5 Million USD per set

The MMPM was originally developed as the successor to the Type 87 Anti-Tank Guided Missile, but it eventually took on the role of replacing the Type 79 Anti-Ship/Anti-Tank Missile as well since theType 96 Multipurpose Missile System ended up in small numbers due to its high cost.

While the Type 96 Multipurpose Missile System itself boasted excellent performance, it required a total of six vehicles to operate in the field, making it less suitable for mobile deployment.

Learning from this experience, the MMPM combined the missile launchers, guidance units, and fire control systems into a single vehicle, achieving not only improved mobility, but also a cheaper price tag.

As a result, approximately 120 sets have been procured since its introduction in 2009, a significant increase compared to just 37 units of the Type 96 Multipurpose Missile System.

Simultaneous Engagement

The MMPM has garnered high praise for its capacity to simultaneously engage multiple targets, ranging from tanks to enemy fortifications.

The system itself features a foldable launcher which holds six medium-range missiles, and is equipped with an infrared imaging device similar to that of the Type 01 Anti-Tank Guided Missile.

Therefore, the MMPM is a fire-and-forget missile that autonomously locates and locks on to targets, making it quite effective against enemy tanks and landing crafts. The system can also employ laser-guidance for precision targeting, mostly for attacks on enemy personnel or positions.

Adding to this versatility, consolidating the functions into a single platform has made it possible to airlift the MMPM by CH-47J helicopters and even airdrop it from transport planes.

Such feature can bring a significant advantage for local JGSDF units, particularly when considering the necessity of rapid deployment during island defense.

