Why Japan Is Exporting Patriot Missiles To The United States

Japanese PAC-3 missile Politics
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Preparing For A Taiwan Crisis

In addition to these interests, Japan hopes to share some of the global responsibility and do a favor to the Western countries.

The attritional nature of the Russo-Ukrainian War has depleted the US and European stockpiles, exhausting some munition reserves such as artillery rounds.

As the notion of “support fatigue” starts to make headlines, the current stalemate has exacerbated political instability in Western Europe, leaving them fewer room to navigate.

In light of such development, Asian democracies like Japan, South Korea, and Australia would be required to step in further. By sharing the burden, these nations can not only show solidarity, but also expect reciprocal assistance during a crisis back home.

The war in Ukraine is not a distant issue on the other side of the globe.

Japan may well find itself asking European nations for aid if China invades Taiwan or North Korea takes military action.

Should such situation occur, Japan would be in a similar position as to Poland, functioning as the critical rear-support area and key actor in garnering support.

Thus, Japan’s current effort is not only about aiding a country suffering from aggression, but also about preparing for potential crises in Asia and creating reciprocal relationships with European allies that can be leveraged in the future.

Honoring The Constitution

Finally, some mention about domestic opposition towards aiding Ukraine.

Some scholars argue that supplying weapons would only fuel the ongoing conflict.

What these people often overlook is the fact that Ukraine itself has the firm will to fight aggression using weapons, whereas the perpetrator has no sincere intent on resolving the issue diplomatically.

As a responsible member of the international community, a country that has long benefited from the existing international order, Japan must fulfill its expected responsibilities, including the military realm.

Interestingly, while the leftist oppositions bring up Article 9 of the Constitution as the basis of their arguments, they seem to neglect or pay little respect towards the following preamble written in the same legal work.

We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.

We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations.

Yes, Article 9 lays out the foundation for pacifism, but that does not negate the preamble’s declaration of striving for international contribution.

Should we follow the pledges written in the preamble, Japan needs to play a respectable role in the world to eliminate tyranny and oppression, instead of pursuing a complacent attitude of focusing on its own pacifism at the expense of others.

