Meet Japan’s Latest Howitzer – Type 19 155mm Wheeled SPH

a wheeled self-propelled gun Army(JGSDF)
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Lighter, More Agile

The War in Ukraine has reemphasized the importance of artillery, highlighting the superiority of self-propelled guns over towed howitzers in terms of survivability.

With the frontlines returning to artillery duels, the existence of counter-battery radars and small drones constantly hovering above has created an extremely harsh environment for conventional guns.

To operate and survive under such conditions, it is vital to provide enough mobility to perform “shoot & scoot tactics”.

These lessons have without a doubt also influenced Japan’s Army (JGSDF) whose main artillery is still the towed-type “FH70”.

Although the JGSDF is unable to replace the aging FH70s at once, they have indeed introduced the new “Type 19 155mm Wheeled Self-Propelled Howitzer (WSPH)” as their next choice.

  • General Overview
Mass 25 tons
Length  11.4m/37.4ft
Width 2.5m/8.2ft
Height 3.4m/11.2ft
Crew 5 people
Speed 100km/h or 62mph (on-road)
Armament 155mm/52-calibre howizter
Firing Range 40~50km/25~31miles
Firing Rate 6 rounds/min (maximum)
Unit Price 〜10 million USD

When it comes to artillery, the JGSDF is quite renowned for its swift and accurate operation, mostly deriving from the traditional spirit of professionalism.

Ironically, budget constraints and few opportunities to fire live rounds have likewise contributed to such skill improvement, but in any case the JGSDF’s artillerymen are more than capable of delivering a precision strike.

However, the immobile nature of the FH70s is a liability in modern warfare, endangering the performance of any skilled battery crew.

In contrast, the lighter, much more mobile Type 19 WSPH can start firing within 1〜2 minutes upon arrival and move on to the next position whilst the FH70 is still preparing.

The Type 19 WSPH with the FH70 in the back (photo: JGSDF)

The new howitzer is basically a 8-wheeled truck with a 155mm gun, but it is equipped with the latest Firing-Command-Control-System (FCCS) aimed at streamlining procedures through digitalization and networking.

After receiving information from artillery observers, the FCCS enables targeting just by using a tablet, significantly reducing the time for calculation or adjustments, though optical sights are also installed as backup.

Additionally, the Type 19 WSPH has adopted a quasi-automatic loading system, with only the charges being manually loaded.

The gun itself is estimated to have a range of 40~50km/25~31miles with a 6 rounds/min rapid firing rate, and is compatible with the standard NATO 155mm shells including the GPS guided “M982 Excalibur” (yet to be introduced by the JGSDF).

